Waldorf Zarenbourg User Manual
Page 15

Adjust selected, tap the Effect
button [18] to layer sounds:
With Effect Control 1 [16], you can
add any of the 28 internal sounds
Preset /A / B / B 1–7 as a layer with the
current sound. Adjust the balance of
the two sounds with Effect Control 2
[17]. When set to zero, the layer is in-
active. Since a layer uses two voices
per note, polyphony is reduced. Note
that for the effects and layer settings
only apply to the primary sound and
not the layered sound: there is just one
set of effects, and you cannot add a
layer to a layer.
The well-known chorus effect uses a
periodically detuned signal mixed with
the original. Set the detune amount
using Effect Control 1 [16] and the
rate using Effect Control 2 [17]. The
Effect button LED [18] flashes to indi-
cate the speed of the modulation. You
can also manually set the tempo by
tapping the Effect button [18] four
times at the desired rate. This function
is called “Tap Tempo.”
A slightly delayed signal is mixed with
the original signal to create a radically
different timbre. The delay time is
modulated periodically to provide ani-
mation. Use Effect Control 1 [16] to
set the modulation depth and Effect
Control 2 [17] to set the speed of the
The LED in the Effect button [18] fla-
shes at the speed of the modulation.
You can also use “Tap Tempo” here to
set the modulation rate (see Chorus for
The signal is passed through a chain of
filters with frequency-dependent de-
lays and then mixed with the original
signal. The filter is modulated periodi-
cally. This causes an interesting colo-
ration of the sound with spectral
bumps and notches that change in
frequency. Use Effect Control 1 [16] to
set the modulation depth. Feedback is
added at high values. Effect Control 2
sets modulation rate. The Effect button
LED [18] flashes at the speed of the
modulation. You can also use “Tap
Tempo” here to set the modulation rate
(see Chorus for details).