Start – Waldorf Zarenbourg User Manual
Page 10

Setting up and Startup
Initial setup works best with the assis-
tance of a second person. Take your
Zarenbourg [33] out of the box [38],
and place it carefully on a table so that
the screw threads for the legs [34] are
free. Screw in all four legs [34], and
place your Zarenbourg where you want
to play it. Now plug the power cable
[36] into the power jack [20] to power
the piano. Zarenbourg works with an
input voltage from 110 V to 230 V AC.
Connect the sustain pedal [35] to the
Sustain Pedal jack [28], turn on first
the power switch [36], then turn up the
volume control [2].
Your Zarenbourg piano is now ready
to play!
Adjustment of the Internal
Guess what? You can adjust the vo-
lume using the Volume knob [2]. There
is a small range at the bottom of the
pot where no sound is output, and you
will hear only silence from Zarenbourg.
We did this intentionally so that you
have the option of listening to only an
external signal, for instance, if you
use Zarenbourg as a MIDI controller
Adjustment of Volume for
External Signal
You can plug a stereo signal into the
Stereo Input jack [30] to hear it through
the internal speakers. Adjust the level
using the Volume control for external
signal [4]. For weaker signals such as
a microphone, you can increase the
input sensitivity in four steps. When
you increase the input sensitivity, ple-
ase start with a moderate level first,
then press and hold the Transpose but-
ton [9]. The sensitivity can now be set
using the Volume control for external
signal [4].
Attention! ONLY use the Volume
knob on the frontpanel to switch
your Zarenbourg on and off!