Waldorf Zarenbourg User Manual
Page 16
Echo | Reverb
Select the Echo or Reverb effect using
the Effect button [18]. When the Effect
button is lit, Reverb is selected. When
the button is not lit, Echo – also called
Delay – is selected. For the Echo ef-
fect, the signal is delayed and mixed
with the original. The mix level can be
adjusted using Effect Control 1 [16].
With high mix levels, feedback is grad-
ually added so that multiple echoes
with decreasing volume are geneated.
You can set the delay time either
with Effect Control 2 [17] or with four
consecutive taps – the well-known
“Tap Tempo” function – on the Effect
button [18].
Reverb simulates the sound of a room
with diffuse reflections. Effect Control
1 [16] controls the Reverb level, and
Effect Control 2 [17] adjusts the room
Auto Wah
The Auto Wah is a time-varying filter
with a narrow frequency band known
as “bandpass filter.” The frequency of
the filter can be controlled in different
ways and set with the Effect button
[18]. When the Effect button is lit, the
filter is controlled by an envelope that
starts at the current level of each note.
The filter peak is tied to velocity. The
harder you play, the higher the filter
frequency. The sensitivity of the enve-
lope is adjusted with Effect Control [1],
and the release speed of the envelope
is set with Effect Control 2 [17]. When
the sensitivity is set to zero, the filter
frequency can be controlled by an ex-
pression pedal connected plugged into
the Expression Pedal jack [27]. In this
case, it is no longer an “Auto Wah” but
rather the more traditional “Wah-Wah”
effect that you control manually with
your pedal.
When the Effect button [18] is NOT lit,
the frequency of the bandpass filter
gets modulated by an LFO, a low fre-
quency oscillator. Effect Control 1 [16]
sets the modulation depth, and the
LFO rate is set by Effect Control 2 [17]
or with Tap Tempo by tapping the Effect
button four times at the desired rate.