Waldorf Zarenbourg User Manual
Page 14

Off – no effect.
This does not adjust any “effects” but
rather the makeup of the sound itself.
Each sound will change in its own way
depending on its architecture.
There are
three different architectures
in Zarenbourg:
The electric pianos are created using a
virtual model (Presets Tines, Bars,
Reeds). Effect Control 1 [16] adjusts
the height of the virtual pickup which
changes the overtone content in the
Grand, Electric Grand and Clavinet are
based on samples. With these instru-
ments, use Effect Control 1 [16] to se-
lect any of the multisample sets in
Zarenbourg. This is especially impor-
tant if you want to add your own sam-
ple sets or third party samples.
Here a list of the factory content:
1 Grand Piano
2 Electric Grand Piano
3 Clavinet Pickup #1
4 Clavinet Pickup #2
5 Strings
6 Strings with spiccato articulations
added at high velocities
7 Orchestra
8 Orchestra with additional staccato
articulations at high velocities
9 Synth Pad
The third Zarenbourg architecture is a
full-featured FM synthesizer that is
used for the FM-Piano. Effect Control 1
[16] changes the frequency of one of
the six operators which drastically
changes the sound.
Effect Control 2 [17] mixes a reso-
nance model with the signal for each
architecture. In mechanical and elec-
tromechanical keyboards, the undam-
ped strings get excited by other strings
and oscillate. This is especially evident
when the sustain pedal is down as all
strings are undamped. These sympa-
thetic vibrations provide additional
warmth and expression in the resulting
sound. This is what the resonance mo-
del in Zarenbourg does. Handle with
care, especially in combination with
reverb, as the resulting sound can get
muddy if overused.