UVP TB-101 Selector Switch User Manual
Page 4

9. Note: Prior to completing this step, make a note of the location of the transilluminator selector
switch wiring on the gray wiring junction block.
gray wiring junction block contains a number of spring-loaded gray squares with
diagonal hash marks. The spring-loaded action of these squares holds the corresponding
wire in place. Using a flat-head screwdriver and while pulling on the appropriate wire, press in
on the gray square and pull the wire out. Repeat this process until all wires leading from the
selector switch to the junction block are removed.
10. Locate the portion of the
built-in reflector panel directly behind the selector switch. Flexing
the reflective panel toward the rear of the transilluminator, remove the selector switch from
the inside of the transilluminator.
Note: There is a metal lock washer located between the selector switch body and the
transilluminator body. When removing the switch, be careful not to lose this washer in the
base of the transilluminator under the reflector panel as it will be used during installation of
the replacement switch.
Pull on Wire
Loaded Gray
Gray Wiring
Lock Washer