Chapter 6, Accessories – Starrett SR200 Surface Roughness Tester User Manual

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Specifications subject to change


Chapter 6


Replacement Standard pick-up (SR-112-1503)

Details as the standard pick-up, (see figure 6 pg 2.5) 10mm (400min) stylus tip radius.
Conforms to US specifications (ANSI B46.1).

Small bore pick-up, 5µm (200µin) stylus tip radius (SR-112-1504)

For general use in small bores, on narrow surfaces and in grooves, or with the skid supported

independently of the surface being measured. On this pick-up the skid is integral with the

stylus arm housing and is set further back from the stylus. This enables the pick-up to be used

in short bores with the skid supported independently of the surface being measured, eg by the

datum support stand.

Figure 9: The small bore pickup

Figure 10: The right angle pickup

Right Angle Pick-up, 5µm (200µin) stylus tip radius (SR-112-1505)

This pick-up is used at right angles to the direction of traverse. Accordingly the skid is set at

right angles to its normal position.

It is particular useful in grooves or slots where the lay of the surface texture makes it unsuitable

for measurement with a standard or small bore pick-up. When used on cylindrical workpieces

it is important that the stylus and skid should be equidistant from the crest (see figure 11), and
that the work piece is positioned so that the crest is parallel to the line of traverse.

Recess pick-up, 5µm (200µin) stylus tip radius (SR-112-1506)

This pick-up has an extended stylus and skid for measuring at the bottom of a recess, or
between shoulders and flanges up to 5.7mm deep. A special deep recess pick-up is available
for measuring up to a depth of 25mm.

Figure 12: The recess pickup

Extension rod (SR-112/1510)

200mm long extension with integral lead, fits between the pick-up and carriage. The extension
rod is fitted to the pick-up in the following manner:

1. Disconnect the pick-up lead from the traverse unit and remove the pick-up from the traverse

unit carriage.

2. Remove the lead from the pick-up

3. Carefully locate the central pin of the extension rod with the hole in the pick-up and screw

the rod and pick-up together.

4. Thread the lead from the extension rod through the hole provided in the back plate of the

traverse unit and connect it to the traverse unit socket.

5. fit the pick-up into the traverse unit carriage, positioned as required.

Power Adaptor


Power Adaptor (UK)



Power Adaptor (US-110V)



Power Adaptor (EURO-230V)(2 PIN) SR200