Automating parameters – Soundtoys EchoBoy User Manual
Page 55

A u t o m a t i n g P a r a m e t e r s
Many of the controls in EchoBoy can be automated. Click on the ‘auto’ button to bring up the
Plug-In Automation window. At the left is a list of parameter available for automation. On the
right are any of the parameters that are currently automated. Select whichever parameters
you’d like to automate then click on the ‘Add’ button. Those parameters will appear on the right
side of the window, and can now be automated from within Pro Tools.
To record automation data, you’ll first need to do a few things within Pro Tools. First, bring up
the Pro Tools automation window (see Pro Tools Manual for enabling automation) and make
sure ‘plug-in’ is enabled.
Next, in the track you’re working on, select ‘auto-write’ to enable the real-time recording of
automation data. Now, press play and fiddle with the EchoBoy controls. Pro Tools should now
record any control changes you make. When the transport is stopped, the automation will
automatically switch to ‘auto-touch’.