Saturation, Diffusion – Soundtoys EchoBoy User Manual

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The Saturation parameter is something that sets EchoBoy apart from other echo plug ins and
gives it the ability to really nail the sonic character of many echo devices previously not
possible in the digital computer realm. It can add presence, fatness, definition, warmth and
character, moving EchoBoy into the realm of a “real” analog device.

The Saturation knob controls the AMOUNT of saturation, and the pop-up LED menu below it
defines the TYPE of saturation. The exact effect of the saturation knob is very dependant on
the type of saturation. It can add dirt and grit, high frequency compression, limiting, or various
combinations and flavors of all of these. The saturation types are:

Clean – Basically a clean sound, with some limiting as saturation or levels are turned up.


– High frequency compression and low-end distortion typical of high quality tape.

Warm – A more dramatic warm distortion
Pump – A dramatic popping, pumping limiter effect

– Grungy dirt, a little harder edged.

Hard Limit

– Hard limiting, will pump if you hit it hard

Soft Limit

– A fairly smooth limiter

Warm Limit

– Smooth and warm as you turn up the saturation and levels

Bright Limit

– A bright-sounding limiter that will enhance air and breathiness

The Saturation control is a unique parameter that you’ll likely find invaluable when trying to
nail that “real” sound you hear in your head but were unable to get...until now that is. It’s likely
that you will find this parameter invaluable and though sometimes subtle, once you start using
it your likely to notice when it is NOT there. Have fun!

Note: The saturation setting in the Style Edit page works together with the front panel
saturation setting. If you are creating your own ‘style’ be sure to set the front panel saturat on
knob to it’s default setting (12 o’clock, or straight up).



Diffusion is a common parameter found in reverbs that imparts a kind of “smear” and adds
density to the reverb signal. It is what makes the reverb sounds dense and thick. The Diffusion
parameter in EchoBoy is similar.

Each time the echo goes through the diffusion filter it is “diffused” becoming less distinct and
kind of “smeared”. The more diffusion, the more “diffused’ or smeared the sound will be. With