Feel - rushin & draggin, Draggin, Rushin – Soundtoys EchoBoy User Manual

Page 31: The tweak button

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Feel - Rushin & Draggin

EchoBoy can slow you down when you feel rushed or pep you up when you’ve had a late night
out.’s that “magic” that keeps music from being metronomic, cold and sterile. Simply
put the Feel knob slides the whole delay output of EchoBoy around in relation to the beat, and
helps to get the echo “in the pocket” where it sounds best.


By turning the control counter clockwise towards “Draggin” an increasing amount of delay is
imparted on both left and right channels before the echo signal, kind of like pre-delay in reverb.
This kind of “slides” the echo behind the downbeat based on the amount of Draggin’ you dial in.
As the control is increased an increasing amount of delay is added and the delay/ echoes will
fall further and further behind the downbeat. This can be really useful in both moving the
delays out of the downbeats as well as helping to move them into the “pocket” when the music
is not highly metronomic.


Rushin’ is the opposite of Draggin’. Instead of sliding the delays behind the beat it actually
moves them ahead of the beat. This is kind of like adding “negative pre-delay”. As you turn the
knob further towards the maximum value the delay will be move increasingly ahead of the beat.
Again this helps you move the delays into the “other” pocket. You’ll probably find the Rushin’
control especially useful for your next hit Polka or Marching Band hit!

The Tweak Button

Pressing the “Tweak” button opens a pop-up menu providing access to an additional set of
parameters. We’ve ‘hidden’ these parameters because we didn’t want to over-complicate the
control panel. But we know that many of our Pro users really want to get in and control every
aspect of their sound. The parameters included in the Tweak menu change based on the
current Echo Mode. The specifics of these parameters will be explained in the next section,
“Echo Modes in Depth”.