Soundtoys Little PrimalTap User Manual

Meet Little PrimalTap – a digital delay
plug-in with a serious analog attitude.
This plug-in was inspired by one of our
favorite hardware effects - the classic
Prime Time 93 hardware delay. These
old delays were (when they worked)
incredibly flexible and sounded
anything but digital. Think analog, lo-fi,
gritty (if you want), and very hands on.
Words fail us at this point, so you just
need to try this - ideally with a live
instrument. Delay, distort, loop,
mangle, bend and warp to taste. Trust
us, this is fun.
If you're reading this manual, you've probably already installed Little PrimalTap
successfully. If not, please read our SoundToys Getting Started Guide.
* Note: All trademarks are the property of their respective owners, and are mentioned for historical purposes only. This
product is not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone but us.