Soundtoys EchoBoy User Manual

Page 54

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With the Sync control set at 12 o’clock the phase and rate of all the echo Wobbly pitch
variations will be identical for both left and right channels and for the feedback paths. As you
turn the Sync knob to the left or counterclockwise, the pitch variation will get more and more
out of sync, with different echo paths ‘wobbling’ at different rates. This can be highly useful
when you are trying to add the kind of randomness found in real world analog devices.

Turning the knob to the right or clockwise, will leave the wobbling ‘in sync’, but will put the pitch
variation out-of-phase for various echo paths. This means that when the right channel is being
pitched up, the left will be pitched down. The farther you turn the knob clockwise the greater
the difference in the phase relationship between the left and right sides.

Both types of modulation deviation are highly useful and can provide for some great, really rich
sounding chorus, flanges and of course modulated delays. When using one of the random
waveforms as described above, you can impart both subtle and radical random modulation to
the EchoBoy delays and with careful tweaking it is likely that you will be able to recreate the
sounds of some of your favorite vintage devices.