Gain, Decay – Soundtoys EchoBoy User Manual
Page 49

you’re cutting 2357 Hertz by 11.3 decibels, the LED readout displays the exact Frequency setting
of the knob that you are currently tweaking.
The Gain knobs are used to boost or cut frequencies of the EQ’s and provides up to 18dB of
boost or cut. Using the Gain controls you can tailor the overall echo tone. If you’ve used a
conventional EQ, these controls should work just as you’d expect. Turning up the gain on the
Low EQ will boost the low frequencies, giving you more bass. Turning down the gain will reduce
the low frequencies. The Mid EQ will give you control over mid frequencies, and the High EQ
controls the high frequencies.
Note that when the Decay parameter (discussed below) is set straight up, the EQ section works
just like a conventional EQ, and that subsequent echo repeats of the delays will all have the
same tone.
The Decay parameter is what makes the EQ section (and EchoBoy) dynamic. The Decay setting
control how the tone of the echo changes with successive echo repeats.
It is important to note that to hear the affect of the Decay parameter you need to have
Feedback turned up. By setting the High Decay to a negative value (cut), successive echo
repeats will get darker and darker. If High Decay is set to a positive value (boost), successive
repeats will get brighter. The same applies to the Low and Mid bands.
This allows you to create subtle or radical dynamic tonal changes. For instance, you can have
the high frequency getting slightly duller with each repeat, the mid section getting quickly more
pronounced and the low end dying away really quickly. Or, any one of a million different
variations either positive or negative for each EQ band. A couple of things to keep in mind…
• You can set the direction and degree of change for each of the three bands
independently and each will respond independently of the other bands.
• Decay can either increase or decrease the EQ depending on the direction. Turning the
Decay to the left and in the (-) direction will increasingly “take away” or “EQ out” parts
of the tonal spectrum at whatever frequency is selected on the Freq knob. Turning the
knob to the right or (+) will ‘increase” and “add EQ” with each successive repeat.