Deleting an echo, Adjusting echo volume and moving an echo, Adjusting an echo between the grid lines – Soundtoys EchoBoy User Manual
Page 43: The “one” echo

Deleting an Echo
To delete an echo, press and hold the Option key and then click on one of the existing delay
taps. will go bye-bye.
Adjusting Echo Volume and Moving an Echo
As stated earlier, there are two things you can adjust for each echo: its time or placement on
the grid and its volume. If you click on a echo and hold the mouse down you can move the echo
anywhere on the grid. You’ll notice that the echo will always jump to one of the grid lines. Keep
in mind that you can select a finer grid like 1/32nd to adjust the echos location in a more precise
manner. To adjust the echos volume, simply click on a echo and drag the cursor up or down and
the bar will get longer or shorter depending on which direction you drag. Higher is louder, lower
is, well…lower. Amazing!
Adjusting an Echo BETWEEN the Grid Lines
We thought that there just might be times when you’d want to place a echo in between the grid
lines and NOT have it quantized even to 1/64th note. Well you can! Just press and hold the
Command (apple) key, then click on a echo. You can now move the echo anywhere you like
forward or back on the grid and between the grid lines to get the echo exactly where you might
You will also notice that two sets of numbers appear next to the echo. The top set of numbers
displays the location in fractions of a beat and the bottom number reads out the actual volume
of the echo in dB. This allows you to set the echos in front of or behind the beat by very minute
amounts as well as carefully adjust the volume or the individual echos.
The “One” Echo
You might have already noticed that the first tap in your pattern is yellow instead of the
standard green color. We call this echo the “One”. Any echo placed exactly at beat one (or 0
milliseconds in time mode), will appear this way. It will also NOT be heard unless the Feedback is
turned up. If there is no Feedback, the “One” is the note that YOU play, which is the dry signal.
The first echo to be heard in this case is actually the second echo in the pattern.
However, if you turn up the feedback the whole pattern WILL repeat and therefore the “One”
WILL be heard as the pattern restarts on the “One”. If you move it in time so that it is not at the
start of the pattern, it’s color will change to green, indicating that it is no longer the “One”, and