Supported tag formats, 2 supported tag formats – Sonnox Fraunhofer Pro-Codec User Manual
Page 66

7.5 TheMetadataEditor
Write the contents of the Metadata Editor to the selected file.
selectedfile, andcannotbeundone.
7.5.2 SupportedTagFormats
The Manager provides the ability to add and modify metadata in files with an ‘mp3’
extension, and some files with an ‘m4a’ extension. Adding and modifying metadata in
m4a files compressed with the Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) is not supported. The
Status panel will display an error message if one of these files is selected. The adding and
editing of metadata in ‘wav’ and ‘aiff’ formats is not supported.
The metadata contained within mp3 and m4a files is distinct from the audio data, and is
stored in a separate format of its own. The Manager supports the handling of 2 different
metadata formats:
This format is typically for use in mp3 files. The ID3v2 standard is now in its 4th
revision, but many players, including Windows 7 utilities, only support up to ID3v2.3.
The Manager can read and write metadata in all versions: 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.
This is the standard developed and popularised by Apple, and found in m4a files.
These two tag formats are widely supported, and can be parsed by most commercially
available music player applications.
M4A files can contain metadata in the ID3 format, but MP3 files cannot contain
metadata in the iTunes format.