Compressor parameters – Slate Digital Virtual Buss Compressors User Manual
Page 9

Compressor Parameters
The Threshold parameter (scaled in dB) sets the point at which compression will start to occur
a]er an audio signals amplitude exceeds this set level.
The RaKo parameter sets the amount of gain reducKon. For example, if the raKo is set 2:1: this
means for input level 2dB over the threshold, 1dB will be output.
The ASack parameter controls the onset point of gain reducKon -‐ The speed at which
compression occurs a]er the signal has exceeded the threshold value.
The Release parameter controls the offset point of compression -‐ The speed at which the
compressor stops compressing the signal, once it has fallen below the threshold value.
High-Pass Filter (HPF)
The High-‐Pass Filter (HPF) sets the frequency value at which to prevent prevent low frequencies
triggering compression.
Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Buss Compressors