Conclusion – Slate Digital Virtual Buss Compressors User Manual
Page 17

By Fabrice Gabriel
to use. But more importantly, we wanted to be creaKve and to bring something new to mix
buss compression.
The algorithm design had several challenges; we wanted to be faithful to the original hardware
that inspired us, however, we also wanted to add something unique to these already great-‐
sounding units. A]er studying many hardware compressors, we realized that we could not
cover all the flavors and styles of compression with only one unit.
At first, we thought of this unit as a very faithful recreaKon of the well known, BriKsh mix buss
compressor. We realized that despite the simple electronics, its behavior is quite complex,
especially in the auto release mode.
One of the main concerns about this unit is its tendency to reduce punch in bass frequencies,
especially when the gain reducKon is pumping. So I thought of a circuit design to compensate
for this behavior that would allow mixing engineers to have the same pumping behavior
without having to balance the bass differently for each se_ng. This resulted in an elegant
algorithm design in which we we spent a lot of Kme tweaking with Steven.
Then, we wanted not only to keep the analog behavior of the original, but also to design the
transient response so it would remain more arKculate and alive in any situaKon, even with
really heavy compression. Finally, we thought that including our precise model of the classic
BriKsh transformer design would be a great addiKon!
The FG-‐Red has been a very exciKng compressor to work on, maybe the most exciKng for me
because of its characterisKc personality. The algorithm design could be seen as the simplest and
the most complex at the same Kme, because at the end it has the least complex structure of
the three compressors but it was the hardest to tweak.
The release behavior and the saturaKon behavior are very specific to this unit. Many mixing and
mastering engineers have been using the original to obtain a very specific coloraKon of the
sound, which has been referred to as “bigger, wider, Kghter, and punchier.”
The saturaKon algorithm has been designed to reproduce this characterisKc, as the Kming has
been carefully designed and tweaked to obtain that beauKful “alive” transient behavior. With
this compressor, it’s preSy amazing to hear what it does on auto release even with a liSle
amount of gain reducKon, once again, due to its unique Kming behavior. The fast, punchy, and
breathing transient response is preSy surprising if you’ve never heard the actual hardware
compressor and I can understand why it is used by one of rock’s biggest mixers. Once you tried
it, you can never go back !
Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Buss Compressors