Slate Digital Virtual Buss Compressors User Manual
Page 7

I've been lucky enough to hear some of the most classic tube based buss compressors such as
the Fairchild 670 and Manley Vari Mu. There is some real magic that happens when your mix
goes through a brilliantly designed piece of tube gear. The midrange thickens, the lows get
Kghter and rounder, and the top end opens up with a beauKful sparkle... and even beSer, those
harsh upper mid overtones seems to get tamed. For the FG-‐MU, we put all of these wonderful
qualiKes into the algorithm. First and foremost, to hear the FG-‐MU, you don't even have to do
any compression. Just going through the processor without any gain reducKon will inhibit a
beauKful open sound due to the modeling of the tube circuit path. Even when I'm using the FG-‐
GREY or FG-‐RED, I love using the VBC Rack just so I can have the audio pass through the FG-‐MU!
But on it's own, the FG-‐MU is an amazing sounding compressor. If you scan through the
presets, you can get a great idea of what its capable of. Smooth rich compression, fat warm
compression, and even slightly aggressive compression. But overall, this is a processor that has
tons of analog mojo and vibe for days. A sure hit on your ITB mixes!
The Rack
While all three compressors are available as separate plug-‐ins in your DAW, you can also use
them in our Virtual Buss Compressors Rack plug-‐in, in which they can be chained, reordered via
drag and drop of the u-‐rack handles, and soloed independently.
Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Buss Compressors