Unique parameters – Slate Digital Virtual Buss Compressors User Manual
Page 11

Unique Parameters
The Auto-‐Release parameter on the FG-‐RED and FG-‐Grey is program dependent and sets the
release Kme automaKcally.
The Drive parameter is the modeled output transformer stage of the Focusrite RED as a
separate control, meaning you can have no compression and sKll impart the subtle
characterisKc low-‐level, frequency dependent distorKon of the box post make-‐up gain...
It affects the signal if the knob is more than "0" regardless of compression, it is the transformer
nonlinearity from the RED OUTPUT. But, rather than make it dependent on output, it's been
made separate on the actual FG-‐RED. On the original unit, in order to get the effect you HAD to
increase makeup gain, but with the "FG-‐RED" you don't.
Stereo / Mid-Side
The FG-‐MU employs two processing methods for compression, Stereo & Mid/ Side.
Stereo processing occurs convenKonally to the sum of the le] and right channels. Compression
may be adjusted independently on both channels (top = le], boSom = right) or together using
the Stereo Link mode.
Mid / Side: Also know as m/s, sum and difference, or on the original Fairchild 670 unit “Lat/
Mid (the top secKon of FG-‐MU in this mode) = a mono sum of both le] and right channels (L
plus R).
Side (the boSom secKon) = the difference (L minus R).
Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Buss Compressors