Slate Digital Virtual Buss Compressors User Manual
Page 18

The FG-‐Mu is the most colorful and complex compressor of the Virtual Buss Compressors
collecKon. The the saturaKon and Kming behavior as well as the gain reducKon structure have
been custom designed and inspired from several vintage compressors.
This allowed unprecedented creaKvity, all thought in the respect of a vintage flavor, solid bass,
warm mids and glossy highs.
The complexity of the design and the richness of the sound is obtained with a very simple set of
controls. Here, there is no raKo se_ng and the compression amount can be adjusted with the
Threshold, but also by adjusKng the input level. The saturaKon behavior will interact with the
Input Gain, the Gain ReducKon and the Output Gain, so it’s a great tool to shape the sound
using those three parameters in concert.
The Kming behavior is very different from the FG-‐Grey and FG-‐MU, as the dynamic response of
harmonics and saturaKon is carefully designed and tweaked to obtain the richest transient
response and true analog vibe. If you want color, warmth, a very dynamic and interacKve
response, the FG-‐MU is for you!
We decided that offering three units in one plug-‐in, each with a very different response and
character, was the best way to offer everything that a mixing or mastering engineer would
dream about. However, we wanted to make sure that the enKre plug-‐in was straigh•orward
and easy to use, with just the amount of control needed to use them efficiently in the mix
Steven and I worked very closely as we have in the past to combine our passion and experience,
to bring you the best of both worlds: the authenKc analog sound mixed with a limitless digital
-‐ Fabrice Gabriel
Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Buss Compressors