The non-linear difference, Using the presets – Slate Digital Virtual Buss Compressors User Manual
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The Non-Linear Difference
During the development of the VBC, I spoke to many top pros in the audio industry about
mixbuss plug-‐in compressors. There seemed to be an overwhelming consensus that even
though many of them were adverKsed as 'analog modeled', they sKll didn't have the classic
sound of analog compressors.
So Fabrice and I got to work. First we needed to examine the hardware compressors and the
current crop of analog modeled plug-‐in compressors to see what was going on! And what we
found was surprising. The classic analog compressors that we studied added some very complex
nonlinear arKfacts in their signal paths. Their sound was not simply based on their specific
compression topology like Kming and compression curves. Some of the analog compressors had
modulaKons, dynamic harmonic distorKons, dynamic phase distorKon, saturaKon, crosstalk,
and more. And just like in our Virtual Console CollecKon plug-‐in, these arKfacts added a sonic
imprint to the compression. Was this the magic sound that made the plug-‐in compressors
sound different than the analog compressors? There was only one way to find out. We had to
precisely model it. All of it!
Several months later, we had algorithms that combined the exact compressor topologies,
curves, Kmings, as well as the circuit's nonlinear dynamic arKfacts. We were able to bypass JUST
the arKfacts, and the answer was very clear. Much of the magic tone that has been missing
from many plug-‐in compressors is these nonlinear addiKves. When you hear the three VBC
compressors, you'll noKce a depth, life, and analog 'vibe' that you've likely not heard before in a
plug-‐in compressor. I hope that you enjoy it on your mixes!
Using the Presets
The presets will give you a great starKng point as to what the compressors are capable of. But
the most important thing is to modify the threshold and gain reducKon for your parKcular mix.
Overall, I ulKmately suggest adjusKng unKl you have about 2-‐4 db of gain reducKon... however
on some se_ngs of the FG-‐GREY, I've set it for a lot of gain reducKon and it can sKll sound
great, even on a full mix.
-‐ Steven Slate
Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Buss Compressors