Loops and presets descriptions- creating & storing – Rocktron Patchmate Loop 8 Floor User Manual
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LOOPS and PRESETS Descriptions- Creating & Storing:
The PatchMate LOOP 8 Floor has two basic MODES of operation, LOOP MODE (Default) and PRE-
LOOP Mode is when the PatchMate is in a state where you can access (turn on/off) the individual
"loops" using the switches marked 1-8 .
In the PatchMate LOOP 8 Floor's LOOP mode (which is the default mode or state of the PatchMate
LOOP 8 Floor when the unit is turned ON) you can turn ON and/or OFF the various LOOPS using the
footswitches on the top panel. Switch 1 turns ON or OFF "LOOP 1" on the back panel, Switch 2 turns
ON of OFF "LOOP 2" on the back panel.
PRESET Mode is when the PatchMate is in a state where you can access (turn on/off) a "preset" using
the switches marked 1-8. You have a total of 8 PRESETS that can be accessed via the 8 Switches on the
PatchMate LOOP 8 Floor. To access more presets you will need to combine it with a Rocktron MIDI
Controller such as the Rocktron MIDI Xchange, MIDI Mate, All Access or All Access LTD.
A "PRESET" is a setup within the PatchMate LOOP 8 Floor where you may have multiple LOOPS set
to be on and/or off. Thus, instead of stepping on multiple switches to turn on and off loops, you can
select a predetermined set up (loops on or off) for a particular sound you like.
For example, if you have a LEAD sound that you like that requires loops 1, 2 and 7 to be
"on" and the other loops to "off" you can set up a PRESET that automatically tells the PatchMate Loop
8 Floor to turn "on" loops 1, 2 and 7 and turn "off" all other loops with one simple process, thus saving
you the effort of turning on and off each loop individually to get your LEAD sound.
When the PatchMate LOOP 8 Floor is first turned on it is in "LOOP" mode. This means that you can
turn on/off the 8 individual loops using the switches marked 1 through 8. To enter into "PRESET"
mode, which allows you to select presets that you have stored.
To access the PRESET MODE press and release the STORE switch. The LED next to the word "PRE-
SET" will light. You are now in "PRESET MODE" Thus, whatever switch you press next will be that
preset. NOTE, if for example you press switch number 1 you have accessed preset number 1, not LOOP
1. However, once you have pressed a switch the PatchMate LOOP 8 automatically reverts to LOOP
mode, so you may now turn ON/OFF LOOPs within that preset. To access a different preset, press and
release the STORE switch, the LED next to the word PRESET will light, now the next switch you press
it will select that particular PRESET.