Appendix a: controller parameters, Initial setting mode, 4848b reactor controller – Parr Instrument 4848B User Manual
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4848B Reactor Controller
P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y
Appendix A: Controller Parameters
Initial Setting Mode
to advance
Set input type
Set temperature unit
(Does not display when analog input)
Set upper-limit of temperature range
Set lower-limit of temperature range
Select control mode
Select heating/cooling control or dual loop output control
Alarm 1 mode setting
Alarm 2 mode setting
(Only available on Primary Temperature Controller)
Alarm 3 mode setting
(Only available on Primary Temperature Controller)
Set system alarm
Communication write function enable/disable
ASCII, RTU communication format selection
Communication address setting
Communication baud rate setting
Data length setting
Parity bit setting
Stop bit setting