Communication with pc, Quick start instructions for connecting with pc, 4848b reactor controller – Parr Instrument 4848B User Manual

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4848B Reactor Controller

P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y


Communication with PC

The 4848B Controller is provided with RS-485 port
(labeled comm) and may be connected to a USB
port on a PC with optional A1925E4 communication

Quick Start Instructions for Connecting with PC

1. Put the 576M CD into the CD-ROM.

2. Connect the A1925E4 communication cable be-

tween the comm port on the back of the 4848B
Controller and an open USB slot on the PC.

3. The PC should open an "Install Hardware" wizard

automatically when the cable is connected to the
USB slot. If it does not, go to the Control Panel
and select "Add Hardware" to start the wizard.

4. When prompted, check the box to search remov-

able media for the proper driver. The wizard
should fi nd the driver on the 576M CD and install
the USB driver. It may prompt that the driver
has not been validated; select "continue anyway"
to continue the installation. After this it may
repeat the installation process for the RS-485

5. Copy the controller software to the PC. The soft-

ware is located on the CD at: "software\ParrCom.

6. Once copied to the PC, open the ParrCom.exe

fi le. No installation is necessary.

7. At the main ParrCom program screen, select

"protocol >> set PC". Ensure that the following
values are set:

Baud: 9600
Data length: 8
Parity: even
Stop bit: 1

Click OK to return to the main screen.

8. At the main screen, select "Program >> Monitor".

The Monitor screen will come up. There will be
a generic icon on the left, and four mini screens
on the right. Each mini screen can be used to
connect to a different module on the 4848B Con-

9. In the fi rst mini screen, select 1 for the Ad-

dress, and click Connect. It should connect to
the Primary Temperature module on the 4848B
Controller, and the bottom half of the screen
should show parameters for the controller. These
may be modifi ed here. Of most interest will be
the "Input >> SV" value, which is the setpoint for
temperature. Also, the "Alarm >> Alarm 3" value
will show the High Limit alarm for this module.

10. Any other modules on the 4848B Controller

may be accessed through the remaining avail-
able mini screens. The modules have addresses
numbered 1-4 starting from the left most module
on the 4848B Controller.