Engaging a program, 4848b reactor controller – Parr Instrument 4848B User Manual

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4848B Reactor Controller

P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y


the arrow keys to change the pattern number
and press the set key to solidify the change.

5. Press the return key once. The upper display will

read [


], where the “00” represents the

pattern and step number, respectively. The lower
display will indicate the set point for indicated
step. The set point can be adjusted using the
arrow keys then press the set key to solidify the


The fi rst SP_O used must be a higher

temperature than the current temperature

(PV) or the program will not execute properly.

6. Press the return key once. The upper display will

read [


], where the “00” represents the

pattern number and the step number, respec-
tively. The lower display will show the time to
execute the current set point in “hh:mm” format.
The time setting can be changed by using the
arrow keys then press the set key to solidify the

7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for “SP01” through “SP07”

and “tI01” through “tI07” as required. Once you
have entered all the steps you want, you can
leave the remaining “SP” and “tI” variables at
zero and press the return key to advance.

8. Press the return key to display [


] on the

upper display, where “0” represents the current
pattern number. This parameter determines the
last step to execute in the pattern. For example,
if PSy0 has a value of 3, Steps SP00 through
SP03 will execute. Use the arrow keys to change
the setting and press the set key to solidify the

9. Press the return key to display [


], where

“0” represents the pattern number. This pa-
rameter defi nes how many times you want the
indicated pattern to repeat. If you would like the
pattern to only execute once, set this value to
zero. Use the arrow keys to change the setting
and press the set key to solidify the change.

10. Press the return key to display [


], where

“0” represents the pattern number. This pa-
rameter allows you to link the indicated pat-
tern another. If you would like more than seven
separate steps in the process, set this to the next
pattern number you wish to link to. Use the ar-

row keys to change the setting and press the set
key to solidify the change.

11. Press set to return to the main screen. Note

that the lower display of the main screen has
changed to show the program step.


The program will attempt to hold the

temperature at the set point determined by

the last step executed. So, if you wish for the

reactor cool to room temperature once the

program has fi nished, the last executed step

must have a set point consistent with room

temperature and the time for the last step

can be set to 00:00.

Engaging a Program

1. From the main screen, press the return key two
times to display [


] on the upper display. The

lower display will indicate the pattern at which you
wish to execute.

2. Press the return key until the run/stop parameter


] is on the upper display. The lower display

will indicate the setting of the run/stop parameter.
Change this value to [


] in order to start the

program determined in step 1. Press set to return to
the main screen.

If you wish to stop the program completely, you
may change this value to [


]. Changing the

run/stop mode back to stop will restart the program
from the beginning.

If you wish to stop the program and continue con-
trolling the temperature at the current set point, you
may change this value to program stop [



Changing back to run mode from a program stop
will restart the program from the beginning.

If you wish to hold the program at the current
temperature, you may change this to program hold


]. Changing back to run mode from a pro-

gram hold will continue the program from its cur-
rent step.

3. The main screen will now show the current set
point on the lower display. Pressing the arrows will
allow you to change between: [


] to display

the current pattern and step, [


] to display the

remaining time in the current pattern step, or [



to display the set point for the current pattern step.
Press set will solidify this display change.