User’s responsibility, Unpack carefully, Motor controller – Parr Instrument A2110E User Manual
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Motor Controller
w w w . p a r r i n s t . c o m
User’s Responsibility
All Parr Reactors and Pressure Vessels are designed
and manufactured with great care to assure safe
operation when used within their prescribed
temperature and pressure limits.
But… the basic responsibility for safety when using
this equipment rests entirely with the user; who
1. Select a reactor or pressure vessel that has the
capability, pressure rating, corrosion resistance,
and design features that are suitable for its
intended use. Parr engineers will be glad to
discuss available equipment and material
options with prospective users, but the fi nal
responsibility for selecting a reactor or pressure
vessel that will perform to the user’s satisfaction
in any particular reaction or test must rest with
the user - not with Parr.
In exercising the responsibility for the selection
of pressure equipment, the prospective user
is often faced with the choice between over
or under-designed equipment. The hazards
introduced by under-designed pressure vessels
are readily apparent, but the penalties that
must be paid for over-designed apparatus are
often overlooked. Recognizing these criteria,
Parr reactors and pressure vessels are offered
in several different styles, each designed for
convenient use in daily operation within certain
temperature and pressure limits, using gaskets,
closures, and other elements carefully selected
for safe operation within the limits specifi ed for
that design. But in order to preserve the validity
of these designs, all temperature and pressure
limits must be observed, and no attempt should
be made to increase these limits by making
alterations or by substituting components
which are not recommended by Parr Instrument
2. Install and operate the equipment within a
suitable barricade, if required, with appropriate
safety accessories and in full compliance with
local safety codes and rules.
All standard Parr pressure vessels are provided
with either suitable relief device or a means to
attach one (typically in the form of a plugged
opening). When a pressure vessel is delivered
without a pressure venting device, it is the cus-
tomer’s responsibility to provide pressure relief
in order to protect the operator and the equip-
ment from destructive high pressures. If you
need more information or need help in selecting
a proper relief device, please contact Parr Instru-
ment Company.
3. Establish training procedures to ensure that any
person handling the equipment knows how to
use it properly.
4. Maintain the equipment in good condition and
establish procedures for periodic testing to be
sure the vessel remains structurally sound.
Unpack Carefully
Unpack the equipment carefully and check all the
parts against the packing list. If shipping damage is
discovered, report it immediately to the delivering
carriers. Examine the components closely for any
loose parts or shipping damage and be sure to
check all layers of packing materials thoroughly so
as not to overlook any parts which might otherwise
be discarded.