Mini bench top reactors – Parr Instrument Series 4560 User Manual

Page 16

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Mini Bench Top Reactors

P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y


General Maintenance Notes

1. Periodically inspect all electrical wiring and pres-

sure connections for excessive corrosion. Sus-
pect parts should be replaced by components
only supplied by Parr Instrument Company.

2. Always use appropriate wrenches on all fi ttings

and valves. Never use pliers or pipe wrenches.

3. Head and cylinder service fi xtures are available

for convenience and protection of components
during maintenance of your reactor.

4. A light coating of thread lubricant, such as Parr

High Temperature Anti-Seize Lubricant (424HC2),
applied to the straight threads and to the nose
of coned adapter will help to obtain a tight joint.
PTFE tape should be used only on all tapered
(NPT) threads not NPS straight threads.

5. NPT (National Pipe Taper) threads should not be

disassembled any more than necessary. It will
become increasingly diffi cult to maintain a tight
seal with these tapered threads if the joint is
made and broken repeatedly.

6. Do not use oil or anti-seize lubricant on threads

or fi ttings if the vessel is to be used with oxygen.

7. If your vessel is equipped with a loose compres-

sion ring be sure that it is in place on the head
before attaching any head fi ttings. The compres-
sion ring cannot be installed after fi ttings have
been screwed into the head.

8. Clean all threads and gas passages thoroughly

and remove all tape fragments when overhaul-
ing a vessel. An ultrasonic bath is excellent for
cleaning metal parts, but do not place a thermo-
couple probe, pressure gage, face seals or ball
bearings in an ultrasonic bath. Periodic cleaning
may be performed on the exterior surfaces of
the reactor stand with a lightly dampened cloth
containing a mild soap solution. All electrical
power should be disconnected when cleaning.

9. Routinely inspect cap screws on split ring clo-

sure for lubrication and cleanliness. It is impor-
tant to clean and lubricate periodically so that
the required torque is achieved when tightening
the bolts.

10. To operate reactors equipped with an air motor,

connect air hose to a compressed air line. For
best torque and speed control the piping to the
motor should be at least 1/4” IPS or larger. Fill
the oiler with SAE 10 oil and adjust the oiler feed
to one drop per minute into the air stream. For
long continuous runs at high speeds the oil-
ing rate should be increased to three drops per
minute. If the motor becomes sluggish, fl ush
it with a non-fl ammable solvent in a well venti-
lated area. Disconnect the air line and muffl er
and pour a small amount of solvent into the inlet
port. Rotate the shaft by hand in both directions
for a few minutes; then connect the air line and
run the motor until there is no further trace of
solvent in the exhaust. If the muffl er is dirty,
replace it. Re-lubricate the motor with a squirt of
oil into the chamber and reassemble.

11. If servicing assistance is needed, contact Parr

Instrument Company directly at the address
shown on the back of these instructions.