Mini bench top reactors, Periodic pressure tests, Accessories – Parr Instrument Series 4560 User Manual

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Mini Bench Top Reactors

w w w . p a r r i n s t . c o m


Periodic Pressure Tests

Each cylinder used in a Parr stirred reactor is tested
under hydrostatic pressure to 1.3 times its maxi-
mum rating before it is released from the factory.
Micrometer caliper measurements are taken dur-
ing this test to check the defl ection of the walls of
the cylinder under pressure. Excessive defl ection
or failure of the metal to resume its original dimen-
sions after pressure is released indicates that a
cylinder is potentially unsafe and it will be rejected.
Similar tests should be made at regular intervals
during the life of each cylinder, and particularly
whenever the user suspects that the equipment has
been over-stressed or damaged.

Some laboratories maintain hydraulic test facilities
and make it a rule that all pressure vessels must
be tested at regular intervals. Records are kept of
defl ections at specifi c test pressures so that any
increase in defl ection becomes a warning that the
metal has lost strength. Any cylinder which fails to
return to its original dimensions after application of
the prescribed hydrostatic test should be discarded
as unsafe for further use.

Users who do not have pressure test facilities can
return any Parr pressure vessel to the factory for hy-
drostatic testing and overhaul. This should be done
whenever the metal shows excessive damage from
corrosion or whenever an over-pressure or other
unusual occurrence raises any safety questions. To
return a vessel for repair contact Parr Instrument
Company for a return authorization number. Ap-
paratus returned for testing and overhaul should be
shipped prepaid to the Parr Instrument Company,
211-53rd Street, Moline, Illinois 61265. An order or
letter of instructions should be mailed to the same
address, as no repair work will be started without
specifi c instructions and a Health & Safety Assur-
ance Certifi cation form (F0042) signed by a respon-
sible user.



Glass or PTFE liners can be furnished to fi t most
Parr reactors. These liners slide into the cylinder.
Although they will not keep corrosive vapors from
reaching the surfaces of the cylinder and head, they
make it much easier to add and remove liquid reac-
tants, and they give some protection to the cylinder
when working with corrosive solutions. It must be
noted, however, that adding a PTFE liner will slow
the heat transfer rate into the vessel, and it may be
necessary to adjust the temperature control method
to prevent overheating.

Liner Part Numbers

Fits ID








100 mL




160 mL




300 mL




450 mL




600 mL



Spare Parts Kit

Spare parts kits are available for these reactors. The
kits will provide a reserve supply of parts and tools
suffi cient to handle most normal replacements and
emergency repairs during a year of heavy usage.

The kits contain small perishable items required for
continuous operation including gaskets, bushings,
rupture discs and seals. They can be ordered from
any Parr Dealer or direct from the Parr Instrument
Company. The order must specify the reactor size
and indicate type of rupture disc, stirrer drive and
whether it has a fl at-gasket or O-ring closure. It is
most advantageous to provide the complete vessel
number from the head or cylinder.