3 responsibility of the operator, 4 operating personnel, 5 informal safety instructions – Martin Christ Epsilon 2-6D LSCplus User Manual

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Freeze-dryer EPSILON 2-6 LSCplus

3 Safety

Version 10/2012, Rev. 1.6 of 16/12/2014 • sb


Translation of the original operating manual

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Responsibility of the operator

The operator is responsible to authorise only qualified personnel to work on
the freeze-dryer (see chapter 3.4 - "Operating personnel").
The areas of responsibility of the personnel concerning the operation,
maintenance, and care of the unit must be clearly defined.
The safety-conscious work of the personnel in compliance with the
operating manual and the relevant EC and national health and safety
regulations as well as with the accident prevention regulations must be
checked at regular intervals (e.g. every month).
The operator is responsible to check the chemical compatibility of all
substances to be used inside the freeze-dryer (product to be processed,
cleaning media, etc.) with the material of the chamber walls, shelves, pipes,
and gaskets. Substances that may damage the material an degrade the
mechanical strength must not be used.
The freeze-dryer has to be maintained regularly (see chapter 8 -
"Maintenance and service").
Components that are not in a perfect state must be replaced immediately.

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3.4 Operating personnel

Persons operating the unit must
• be familiar with the fundamental regulations concerning workplace

safety and accident prevention

• have read and understood this operating manual (and in particular the

safety sections and warning notes) and confirmed this with their

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3.5 Informal safety instructions

This operating manual is a part of the product.
• The operating manual must be kept at the location of use of the freeze-

dryer. Ensure that it is accessible at all times.

• The operating manual must be handed over to any subsequent owner

or operator of the freeze-dryer.

• Any changes made must be added to the operating manual.
• In addition to the operating manual, the general and local rules and

regulations concerning the prevention of accidents and the protection of
the environment must also be supplied.

• Safety and danger indications on the freeze-dryer must be kept

readable at all times. If necessary, they must be replaced.

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