Simman essential bleeding patient simulator, Introduction, For clinical simulation – Laerdal SimMan Essential Bleeding User Manual

Page 4: Wlan communication

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SimMan Essential Bleeding Patient


For Clinical Simulation

SimMan Essential Bleeding is a patient simulation system that
facilitates training of Basic and Advanced Life Support. This system
allows the instructor to effectively assess the learner’s individual and
team skills based on realistic clinical situations.

SimMan Essential Bleeding allows observation and recognition of
most vital signs. This is achieved through direct interaction with the
Patient Simulator and observation of the Patient Simulator’s status
which can also be viewed on the Patient Monitor PC (optional).

The SimMan Essential Bleeding Simulation

System Features Include:

– An advanced configurable airway - allowing simulation of difficult

airway management cases.

– Eyes with interchangeable pupils and adjustable blinking function.

– Focus on Quality CPR (QCPR): measurement and feedback

according to the 2005 and 2010 Guidelines.

– Vascular Access (intra-osseous) via the left tibia.

– Internal urine bladder which can be filled with fluid to simulate


– Bleeding and Wound Modules fed from an internal blood

reservoir. An external Blood Fill Unit may be connected for
extended bleeding cases.

– Automatic Simulation Control based on preprogrammed and

validated Patient Cases.

The Main Components of the SimMan Essential


SimMan Essential Bleeding is an adult life-size wireless Patient
Simulator, with internal battery power, internal air compressor and
fluid reservoirs. Interventions by learners are registered by the
system in the session log, and used for later debriefing.

The Instructor PC controls the simulation. The headset allows the
instructor to simulate interactive voice communication between the
patient and the learner.

Software available for use with the simulator includes LLEAP for
controlling scenarios, SimDesigner for creating and editing scenarios,
SimView server or SessionViewer for debriefing simulation sessions
with video capture and a Patient Monitor application.

WLAN Communication

Communication between the SimMan Essential Bleeding Patient
Simulator and the PCs is based on WLAN communication. The
Patient Simulator and PCs can also be connected to a LAN cable
network, and WLAN disabled.