Hanna Instruments HI 2550 User Manual

Page 50

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GLDxxxff: Requests the records of the “xxx” lot number. The records are

sent in frames of 10 records; “ff” is the frame number (01 first
frame). (Example: Lot 13 has 53 records. The records will be
sent in 6 frame, 5 with10 records and 1 with 3 records.)
Command Parameters:

xxx - Lot number (eq: for lot number 1 xxx = 001)
ff - requested frame number - first frame is labeled 01

Errors:• “Err3” log on demand empty.

• “Err4” requested set parameter is not available.
• “Err5” command argument is wrong.
• “Err6” requested range not available.
• “Err7” meter in log mode.
• “Err8” is sent if instrument is not in measurement mode.
• “NAK” (21) character is sent when the instrument receives

an unknown or a corrupted command.

Note: P - request for pH range.

M - request for mV range.
E - request for EC range.
T - request for TDS range.
N - request for NaCl range.