Hanna Instruments HI 121 User Manual
Page 37

• If RCL mode was invoked while the instrument was in ISE channel: the
last ppm or Rel mV memorized reading on the primary LCD and the
lot number on the secondary LCD.
Note: If LOG mode was invoked while the instrument was in mV/Relative
mV measurement range, the corresponding memorized reading will
be displayed on the primary LCD, along with “RelmV” tag.
Press 2nd then SET key while in RECALL mode and the instrument will toggle
between the lot or record number on the secondary LCD. Use the ARROW
keys to select another lot or record.
Press MODE or from the left keyboard and the instrument will
display the next logged parameter as shown in the table below:
Notes: • If pressing from the left keyboard, the previous logged
parameter will be displayed.
• If in Rel mV RECALL mode regarding the slope, the instrument
will display “----” message on the primary LCD.
• The record number refers to an identification number inside a lot.
Last displayed parameter is “dEL” message on the primary LCD and the lot
number on the secondary LCD.
Offset value
Lot (or record) number
Hour & minutes
Month & day
Primary LCD
Secondary LCD
Slope value
Lot number (Ion charge for ISE range)
mV reading