Hanna Instruments HI 121 User Manual
Page 35

If the LOG space is full, “FULL LOC” message will be displayed on the LCD
for a few seconds with “LOG” tag blinking, and then ”FrEE 0” message.
The instrument returns to normal measurement mode.
The setable AutoLOG modes make these instruments very useful in a wide
range of applications:
• Start at button or set time/date; stop after a set duration.
• Start at button or set time/date; stop when a set value is reached.
• Start at button or set time/date; stop when a set sample number is reached.
To start autologging using the keyboard, press 2nd then AutoLOG key or
simply AutoLOG from the left keyboard while the instrument is in
measurement mode.
The instrument will display for a few seconds the lot number on the
primary LCD and the AutoLOG interval on the secondary LCD, together
with “AutoLOG” tag.
Notes: • For the other AutoLOG modes, the autologging starts/stops
automatically after the set start/stop condition in SETUP menu
is reached and the stop condition is correct.
• The “AutoLOG” tag will blink if one of these modes is selected
and the start condition is not reached.
After data logging is started, the current value is displayed on the primary
LCD and the temperature on the secondary LCD, along with “AutoLOG” tag.