FeiYu Tech FY-31AP User Manual
Page 7

Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd http://www.feiyudz.cn E-mail: [email protected] Page 7
your aircraft.
(Note: Do not switch from Mode 1( Deactivated Mode) to Mode
2(Stabilized mode)for the second time, because when the DIP Switch
NO.4 is in the ON position, the FY-31AP will record the neutral point
each time you switch the mode from Mode 1 to Mode 2.)
Step 7: After landing, move Dip Switch No. 4 back
to OFF position. Procedure is complete.
: As long as there are no major
changes in your aircraft hardware (e.g. no shifting of
Centre of gravity, ”CoG”) your Neutral Value will
not change. If there are major changes in hardware or your CoG have
shifted, it is best you repeat this Neutral Value recording procedure.
Note: if you have data radio, you also can use the GCS software to
record the neutral value ’on the fly’ more easily! The detail please
refer the manual of GCS software operate manual.
28. Test for the Autopilot mode 2: Auto Return To Launch(RTL)
After test well the stabilized mode, please keep the throttle at the
cruising position,then switch the SW2 to the Autopilot mode 2(RTL),
then the plane should return to the home point, and circle after it reach
the home point. If this test successfully, then you can switch to the
stabilized mode fly the plane to a farther distance to test the RTL again.
29. Test for the Autopilot mode 3: Auto Circling Mode (ACM)
After you complete the test for the RTL mode, you can test the ACM
mode now. Please keep the throttle at the cruising position, switch the
SW2 to the Autopilot mode 3(ACM), then the plane should circle, the
centre of the circle is the current point when you switch.
30. Test for the Model 3: Path Navigation mode
First, please connect the FY-31AP with the GCS, detail please refer
FY-31AP Path Navigation & GCS manual.
Set the waypoints. The most qty is 8 waypoints
(above firmware V2.1,
waypoints add to 20. )
. Then switch into the path navigation mode
for the waypoint fly.
Don’t forget to keep the throttle at the cruising position .
When you switch into the path navigation mode, to observe if the
plane fly according the path you set.
The default path navigation in FY-31AP is auto repeat .when the
plane fly over the last waypoint it will fly back to the first waypoint.
You can cancel this default value via the GCS software, then the
plane will not fly back, just circle in the last waypoint.
More about the path navigation fly please refer to the manual
Path Navigation & GCS.
Note: We reserve the right to change this manual at any time! And the
newest edition will be shown on our website www.feiyudz.cn.