FeiYu Tech FY-31AP User Manual

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Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd E-mail: [email protected] Page 2

Autopilot mode 1:

Deactivated. The autopilot function is not

activated , the flight modes are determined by the “SW1”.

Autopilot mode 2: Auto Return To Launch(RTL). When activated

in this mode, the FY-31AP will automatically fly the plane back to the

take-off point, while maintaining altitude.

(FY-31AP has 50m altitude

protection limited,if the switch point altitude below 50m,FY-31AP

will automatic climb to 50m.)

Upon reaching the launch area, the unit

will automatically fly the plane in a circle at a default circling radius

of 80 meters.

Autopilot mode 3: Auto Circling Mode (ACM). When activated this

mode, the plane will immediately fly in a circle.

The centre of the

circle is the point of activation

. The default circle radius is 80 meters.

The aircraft altitude will be automatically maintained throughout the


(FY-31AP has 50m altitude protection limited,if the switch

point altitude below 50m,FY-31AP will automatic climb to 50m.)

Autopilot stall warning

a. The FY-31AP has some control over the throttle channel. Therefore,

when flying in Autopilot Modes, please ensure you have enough

forward movement to prevent stalling.

b. FY-31AP may have a control over the throttle channel, but the

throttle control signal is base on the stick control signal and will

auto adjust according the altitude and speed then output the

combined signal. If your forward movement cannot compensate for

the autopilot’s active altitude hold, your aircraft will stall.

c. This is especially important if RTL is part of your RC failsafe. In the

event of RC Link lost, you can set RTL into your Receiver failsafe.

However, please DO NOT forget to also set your throttle failsafe to

between 25 % to 50% to ensure the plane does not stall.

d. Never set your throttle failsafe to zero. If you do so, your aircraft will

RTL in a continuous stalled flight which will result in a crash.


FY-31AP can work in automatic flight mode, though without

OSD module. Whether you have been connected the OSD or not,

FY-31AP can work normally. But if the FY-31AP is not connected GPS

module, it will function as purely as a flight stabilizer. The autonomous

flight modes cannot be engaged.

11. Red LED Flashing & Gyroscope Re-set:

If the following conditions occur, the FY-31AP initialization is


(1) The device has not been used for a long time.

(2) There is a change in environmental temperature of over 30 degrees

since last flight.

(3) The Red LED flashes continuously even when the FY-31AP remains

stationary about 20s, and you never activate the motor.

(4) If the Red LED is on solid all the time even when the FY-31AP is

stationary, it means the gyroscope is faulty, and the unit need to be

sent back for repair.

12. Gyroscope Re-set procedures:

(1) Carry out this re-setting procedure only if the above occur. We do

not recommend regular re-setting. It is not necessary and not


(2) The stabilizer unit does not need to be in a horizontal position

during initialization. However, you must ensure there is no vibration

during this process. If you suspect shaking occurred, just restart the

initialization / resetting process.
Initialization / Reset Process

(1) Install the jumper as shown in this


(2) Power-ON the FY-31AP and keep it

stationary for at least 20 seconds.

You will notice the red light blink

with two different rates.

(3) After 20 seconds, the re-setting / initialization is complete.

(4) Disconnect the power, unplug the jumper & remove it (keep safe for

future use).

13. Flight mode Indicator (Red or Blue light)

By observing the flight indicator, you can easily re-confirm your Flight
Mode switch settings of your radio.

Blue light:








Return To



Auto Circling


Blue LED



Stay on




Single flash


flash each



flashing 3

times each


Note: Navigation Mode: means one of the three modes. Path Navigation mode,
Fixed altitude flight mode and Heading lock flight mode. You can select via the
GCS Software. The default mode is Path navigation mode.

14. GPS status & vibration level indicator

You can check the GPS lock status and vibration level by observing the
Red LED.

Red light:


Too much


No GPS or

GPS still
not lock

Need to


Gyro or are


GPS location


(4 satellites)




Stay on


Stay off solid




double flash

each loop

15. GPS Receiver

a. If GPS cannot fix the aircraft location (minimum 4 satellites), only

Mode 1 (Deactivated) and Mode 2 (Stabilized Mode) will function.

Mode 3 and Autopilot will not be functional.

b. Install the GPS Module with the antenna face up (see following

picture). DO NOT install next to metal or carbon fiber and other

shielding material, which may block satellite signal.

c. Install the GPS Module away from electromagnetic sources such as

ESC’s, power wires, servo wires and video transmitters.

GPS – Satellite Signal Lost During Autonomous Flight

GPS provides the aircraft geographic positioning, altitude, speed and

flight direction.

Only if the GPS Data is available will the FY31AP perform its

Autopilot Modes.

In case GPS signal is lost during flight , the autopilot will keep its

height and course (not lock)in automatic navigation mode ,but its

course may gradually drift. After GPS signal is regained the plane

will resume the Autopilot Mode.



Red--- +3.3V

Black- -GND