Project #pc25 tone generator pc – Elenco Computer Inteface for Snap Circuits® User Manual

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Project #PC25

Tone Generator PC

OBJECTIVE: To build a high frequency oscillator.

Build the circuit shown. If continuing from the previous experiment
then close the Winscope program and run it again, to reset the
settings. Click on the On-Line button to activate, and turn on the
switch. Set Winscope to the settings shown below. A sample
waveform is shown here.


Turn on FFT

mode to look at the frequency spectrum, try the

settings shown here.


Modify the circuit for project PC25 by placing the 0.02mF capacitor
(C1) on top of the whistle chip (WC). Look at the waveform and
frequency spectrum using the same settings as for project PC19,
the frequency is lower now.

Modify the circuit for project PC25 by placing the 0.1mF capacitor
(C2) on top of the whistle chip (WC). Look at the waveform and
frequency spectrum using the same settings as for project PC19,
but you may want to change the time scale since the frequency is
much lower now.

Project #PC26

Tone Generator PC (II)

Project #PC27

Tone Generator PC (III)