5 2 satellites via 22khz (highband only) – Dream Property DM600 PVR User Manual
Page 97

U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 6 0 0 PVR
11.3.5 2 satellites via 22KHz (Highband only)
Use this type of configuration if you want to receive two satellites from one LNB each. It does
not matter if you use one or two dishes to achieve this. Connect the two coax cables form the
two LNBs to a so-called 22kHz switch and connect the coax cable from the Toneburst switch
to your Dreambox. Please read the section Satellite configuration to learn how to get into
this menu.
Choose the upper drop down menu and press the
A list of all possible configurations will show up.
Select the “2 satellites via 22kHz (Highband only)”
option and press the OK-Button.
Select your desired satellites as described in the
one single satellite – direct connection section.
Make sure you know which satellite is connected to
which input on the 22kHz switch.
If you do not find any services in the transponder
scan later, exchange the two satellites in this list and
try again.
Choose “save” and press the OK-Button.
The configuration for “2 satellites via 22kHz
(Highband only)” is now done.
The menu “Transponder scan” will show up. See
sections Automatic transponder scan or
Automatic multisat transponder scan for details.