9 motor setup – Dream Property DM600 PVR User Manual

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U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 6 0 0 PVR


11.3.9 Motor Setup

Use this type of configuration if you want to receive many satellites with a Rotor or Stab from
a Single Universal LNB. The coax cable is directly connected from you Dreambox to the
LNB. Please read the section Satellite configuration to learn how to get into this menu.

Choose the drop down menu „Motor Setup“ and
press the OK-Button.

Refer to the Rotors Manual for correct values

Visit the Website to
figure out your geographical location. Enter the
values for Longitude and Latitude and press the
green Option-Button to save you settings.

Remove the check from the checkbox in front of
“Use gotoXX function” to use a DiSEqC 1.2 Rotor
like the SG2100 Rotor without USALS support.

As you can see on the left, a new menu with new
options will appear.