Dream Property DM600 PVR User Manual
Page 78

U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 6 0 0 PVR
Hide error windows:
If enabled no more error messages, i.e.: service
not found, will be shown.
Automatically show Infobar:
If enabled the Infobar will be shown every time a
new show starts.
Show remaining Time:
If enabled the remaining time rather than the total
time of the running show will be displayed in the
Use http authentification:
If disabled you will no more need a username and
password to access the web interface of your
Do not open serial interface:
If enabled no more debug messages will be send
from Enigma to the serial interface.
Auto bouquet change:
If enabled your Dreambox will automatically jump
to the next Bouquet once you have reached the
last entry in a Bouquet.
Auto reconnect CAhandler:
If enabled your Dreambox will try to reestablish a
broken CAhandler connection.
Disable teletext caching:
If enabled no more background caching of teletext
pages will happen.
Enable Zapping History:
If enabled you are able to switch to a different
service type in the file mode.
Automatisches Abspielen:
If enabled the most recently watched recording will
be played omce you switch to file mode.
Press the Exit-Button to quit this menu.