Dream Property DM5600 User Manual

Page 90

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2 9 . G l o s s a r y

2 9 .G l o s s a ry


2 9 . G l o s s a ry

S / P D I F
Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format. Definition of an interface and a protocol for digital audio
d a t a , used in consumer equipment.

Symbol rate
P a rameter for digital reception. Represents the data transmission rate for an MCPC or SCPC
s i g n a l , and is stated in Megasymbols per second (MS/s). The symbol rate re p resents the speed
at which data is transmitted. The receiver must synchronise itself to this speed. MCPC ch a n-
nels usually operate at a symbol rate of 27,500 and SCPC channels with symbol rates between
4,000 and 7,000.

Satellite tra n s p o n d e r / channel with defined fre q u e n cy ra n g e. In analog tech n o l o g y, one TV pro-

gramme and a number of sound channels can be transmitted per tra n s p o n d e r. In digital tech-
nology (QPSK), the transmission capacity is 6-10 TV programmes with sound ch a n n e l s .

U l t ra Direct Memory Access. A technology for DIE disk drives, w h i ch offers twice the speed of

the EIDE transmission mode.

Universal Serial Bus. An open, public domain, plug-and-play capable serial bus for connecting
devices which operate at up to 12 Mbits/second, and also for slower devices such as ke y b o a rd ,
mouse and monitor. Developed by Intel with Microsoft, I B M , C o m p a q ,D E C, NEC and Northern
Telecom. It has only one type of plug, a l l ows connection of up to 127 devices, a s y n ch r o n o u s
and isochronous (precisely times) data tra n s f e r, f l exible data packe t s , and connection while
runnig (Hotplug).

E n c ryption systems

1 . S e c a : The encryption system developed by the company Societé Européenne de Controle
d’Acces (Seca) for Canal plus was first used in France for the Canal numerique pack a g e.

2 . I r d e t o : D u t ch producer of the encryption system of the same name for digital Pay T V, c u r-
rently used in Italy, G reece and the Benelux countries as well as in many other countries. Ird e t o
n ow belongs to the Mindport gr o u p.

3 . Vi a c c e s s : the encryption developed by France Te l e c o m , is used principally for the Fre n ch
p a ckages AB-Sat and TPS (both on eutelsat 13 degrees east). It is, h ow e v e r, also used by SRG
for encryption of its digital SAT programme range (restriction of the technical cov e rage for
licensing re a s o n s ) .