Dream Property DM5600 User Manual
Page 84

2 9 . G l o s s a r y
2 9 .G l o s s a ry
2 9 . G l o s s a ry
A C 3
D o l by Digital, sound system
Automatic Gain Control. This always provides the best picture quality. It does not, h ow e v e r,
g u a rantee a perfect picture, as the AGC is dependent on the input signal. The poorer the input
s i g n a l , the less the AGC can manage.
A n a l o g
An ord i n a ry signal transmission procedure, w h e re the fluctuations of the signal exactly corre-
spond to the sound and picture wav e f o rms of the sourc e.
Aspect Ratio
Ratio of lengths of picture sides, e. g. 4:3 or 16:9
Bit Error Rate. Error rate of the received bits. Should be zero.
B o u q u e t s
A bouquet is (like a bouquet of flowers) a package of programmes from a single
Pay-TV prov i d e r.
Conditional Access. Control the user's access to services and programmes which are encry p t e d
for copyright or commercial re a s o n s .
Common Interface - Conditional Access Module. The basic idea of the Common Interface (CI)
is as follows. T h e re is a uniform , s t a n d a rd interface for the many television and radio progra m-
m e s , I n t e rnet and softwa re products for which ch a rges are levied. To enable you to re c e i v e
e n c rypted programmes with the satellite receivers Ird e t o, C ry p t owo r k s , Conax Nagrav i s i o n ,
V i a c c e s s , this is alre a dy equipped for the age of Common Interface. Of course, all Common
Interface options are available to you with the multi-access modules for the sat-receivers with
CI. Pay-TV programmes are normally encrypted; the screen is black , and there is no sound.
After the subscription fees or a one-time ch a rge for the smartcard have been paid, the asso-
ciated TV offerings can be seen decrypted. The CI-CA module compares the code in the box
with the one broadcast. If they match , the re l e vant programmes are decrypted and thus beco-
me visible.
T h e re are CI-CA modules for different encryption systems (Cry p t owo r k s , C o n a x , N a grav i s i o n ,
Viaccess and soon also from Irdeto). In order to wa t ch Pay-TV progra m m e s , as well as the CI-
CA modules, you need a sat-receiver with Common Interface, a multi-access module with a CI
slot and the corresponding smartcard from the programme supplier.