23 home screen – dual field – DaySequerra iLM8 Live User Manual

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iLM8 – Live User Manual


Home Screen – Dual Field

Figure 3c. Dual Field Home Screen on iLM8 - Live

The Dual Field home screen lets the user displays 2 measurements on the displays allowing for a
larger decimal place font. This screen is useful for operators who are comparing two measurements
and do not want the third field visible.

1. Field #1 is defined by the user from a list of measurements that include: Max Short and

Momentary Loudness Avg. combined for 5.0 Surround and 2.0 Stereo, Infinite Avg. for
Surround and Stereo, Short loudness Avg. of an individual Surround Channel (L, R, C, Ls,
Rs), True Peak for Surround and Stereo, Max – TP for Surround and Stereo, LRA for
Surround and Stereo.

2. Field #2 is defined by the user from a list of measurements that include: Max Short and

Momentary Loudness Avg. combined for 5.0 Surround and 2.0 Stereo, Infinite Avg. for
Surround and Stereo, Short loudness Avg. of an individual Surround Channel (L, R, C, Ls,
Rs), True Peak for Surround and Stereo, Max – TP for Surround and Stereo, LRA for
Surround and Stereo.

3. Indicates the current measurement that is displayed in Field #1.

4. Displays the Industry Standard Preset in use

5. Indicates the current measurement that is displayed in Field #2

6. Play / Stop / Reset Infinite Average icon. Selecting this icon while on the Home Screen and

pressing ENTER will ‘stop’ the Infinite Average. Pressing ENTER once again will ‘reset’ the
Infinite Average. Pressing ENTER once more will ‘play’ and resume calculations for
determining the Infinite Average for the selected display input.

7. Pause / Resume Infinite Average icon. Selecting this icon while on the Home Screen and

pressing ENTER will ‘pause’ the Infinite Average. Pressing ENTER once more will ‘resume’
calculations for determining the Infinite Average for the selected display input.

8. Headphone adjustment icon. Pressing ENTER while in Home Screen selection mode will

display the HEADPHONE VOLUME menu.