DaySequerra iLM8 Live User Manual
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iLM8 – Live User Manual
• 4.0 Max SL - measures the Max Short Loudness average combined for the L, R, Ls and Rs
channels integrated to a selectable amount of time – the default integration time is 10 seconds
for A/85 and 3 seconds for R128 and ARIB. The user can adjust this integration time from 1 to
60 seconds
• 5.0 Infinite Avg. – measures the infinite average for all of the surround channels. The infinite
average calculation will continue until it is reset by the user.
• 2.0 Infinite Avg. - measures the infinite average for all of the stereo channels. The infinite
average calculation will continue until the user resets it.
• Short Loudness Avg. for L, R, C, Ls, Rs Channels – measures the Max Short Loudness
average of an individual channel. (Left, Right, Center, Left Surround, Right Surround). The
default integration time is set by the industry preset being used. The user can adjust this
integration time from 1 to 60 seconds.
• 5.0 True Peak – measures the true peak for the surround channels in dB relative to digital full
scale in 100 Msec increments.
• 2.0 True Peak – measures the true peak for the stereo channels in dB relative to digital full
scale in 100 Msec increments.
• Max – TP – measures the maximum true peak in 100 Msec increments for the surround
channels in dB relative to digital full scale. Max True Peak holds the maximum true peak in
memory until it is reset by the user. Max – TP is reset by resetting the infinite average. (select
STOP/RESET/PLAY Inf. Avg. icon)
• 2.0 Max – TP - measures the maximum true peak in 100 Msec increments for the stereo
channels in dB relative to digital full scale. Max True Peak holds the maximum true peak in
memory until it is reset by the user. Max - TP is reset by resetting the infinite average. (select
STOP/RESET/PLAY Inf. Avg. icon)
• 5.0 LRA – measures the loudness range for the surround channels. To accurately measure
using LRA the calculation should always start from 0 LU. Resetting the LRA is
accomplished by Stopping/Resetting the infinite average. (select STOP/RESET/PLAY Inf.
Avg. icon). LRA is derived from the Short-Term loudness using a relative gating process similar
to that described above but with the gate set at -20. The LRA is the span from the 10% to 95%
points on the distribution of Short- Term loudness values that pass the relative gate. The LRA is
descriptive of the program material dynamic range. Using the 95% point allows occasional
extremely loud events while the 10% point ignores modest silent intervals during the program. If
the LRA exceeds about 15 it is likely that viewers will be unable to find a single volume control
setting appropriate for the entire program.
• 2.0 LRA - measures the loudness range for the stereo channels. To accurately measure
using LRA the calculation should always start from 0 LU. Resetting the LRA is
accomplished by Stopping/Resetting the infinite average. (select STOP/RESET/PLAY Inf.
Avg. icon).