18 _7300_do_dma_start, Description, Syntax – ADLINK PCI-7300A User Manual
Page 92: Argument, Description @ syntax @ argument

C/C++ Libraries
5.18 _7300_DO_DMA_Start
@ Description
The function will perform digital output N times with DMA data
transfer. It will takes place in the background which will not be stop
until the Nth conversion has been completed or your program exe-
cute _7300_DO_DMA_Abort function to stop the process. After
executing this function, it is necessary to check the status of the
operation by using the function _7300_DO_DMA_Status.
@ Syntax
Visual C/C++ (Windows 95)
int W_7300_DO_DMA_Start (int card_number, HANDLE
memID, U32 count)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_7300_DO_DMA_Start (ByVal card_number As Long,
ByVal memID As Long, ByVal count As Long) As
C/C++ (DOS)
int _7300_DO_DMA_Start (int card_number, U32
*buff, U32 count, int repeat, DMA_DSCR
@ Argument
card_number:The card number of the PCI-7300A card.
memID (Win-95): the memory ID of the allocated system DMA
memory. In Windows 95 environment, before calling
W_7300_DO_DMA_Start, W_7300_Alloc_DMA_Mem must be
called to allocate a DMA memory. W_7300_Alloc_DMA_Mem will
return a memory ID for identifying the allocated DMA memory, as
well as the linear address of the DMA memory for user to access
the data. So you should write the output data to this memory
before calling W_7300_DO_DMA_Start.
buff (DOS):If repeat is set as 0, this is the start address of the
memory buffer to store the DO data. If repeat is set as 1, this argu-
ment is of no use.
** This memory should be double-word alignment