Viewing playback – 3xLOGIC View Lite Smart Device App User Manual

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Viewing Playback

After retrieving the requested playback footage, you will be presented with the playback screen(pictured below.)

Indicates the current status of the video as well as playback speed(1x in the above example.)

Time and Current/Total frame count for active playback footage.

Brings queued playback to the first frame of the footage.

Set the currently queued playback footage back 10 frames.

Rewind the footage frame-by-frame.

Pause/ Play the currently queued footage.

Fast-Forward the footage frame-by-frame.

Set the currently queued playback footage forward 10 frames.

Brings the queued playback to the final frame of the footage.

Toggle the Live Preview box on or off. This feature enables a user to view a small window featuring the
live stream of the camera currently being used for playback

Toggles the Playback Tools menu. Playback Tools are explained below.

Save and email the current still. The Android device will allow the user to choose the email application
(i.e Gmail) of their choice.

Saves the current still image to the Android device's gallery. This option is located at the top-center of
the playback window.

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