Capi control – Deutsche Telekom T-Eumex 504PC SE User Manual
Page 95

CAPI Control
Releasing the interface (only for connection via the COM port)
When CAPI Control starts (this can be set to occur automatically every time the sys-
tem is booted), there is an attempt to communicate to a CAPI device such as your
Eumex 540PC SE connected to a serial interface (COM port). If no device is found,
you see a message to this effect.
You are prompted to either release the interface and thus deactivate CAPI, or not.
If, for example, you have installed the software on a laptop which is only sporadically
connected to a Eumex 504PC SE, you can tick the "Diese Information nicht mehr
anzeigen" (Do not display this screen again) checkbox. This suppresses the display of
this information every time you boot the system. The subsequent function depends
on the button you use to exit this information screen:
If you click on "Ja" (Yes), the interface is released on subsequent starts if no commu-
nications system is found.
If you click on "Nein" (No), the interface will not be released if no communications
system is found. In both cases, no further message appears.
If you want to undo these setting (i.e. so that the information screen opens when no
system is found), open "CAPIControl - Einstellungen / Allgemein" (CAPI Control – Set-
tings / General) (see above). The "Schnittstellenaktivierung durch CAPIControl beim
Start" (Port activation by CAPIControl on starting) and "Warnen, wenn Gerät nicht
gefunden wird" (Warn if device not found) checkboxes must both be active.