Carrier Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300 User Manual
Page 41

Table 3-5 Controller Function Codes (Sheet 3 of 3)
Cd31 Stagger Start Offset
Time (Seconds)
The stagger start offset time is the amount of time that the unit will delay at start-
up, thus allowing multiple units to stagger their control initiation when all units
are powered up together. The eight possible offset values are:
0 (Factory Default), 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 or 21 seconds
Cd32 Current Limit
The current limit is the maximum current draw allowed on any phase at any time.
Limiting the unit’s current reduces the load on the main power supply. This is
accomplished by reducing the SMV position until current draw is reduced to the
set point. When desirable, the limit can be lowered. Note, however, that capacity
is also reduced. The five values for 460vac operation are: 15, 17, 19, 21 (Factory
Default), 23
Perishable Mode
Control (% RH)
Relative humidity set point is available only on units configured for dehumidifi-
cation. When the mode is activated, the control probe LED flashes on and off ev-
ery second to alert the user. If not configured, the mode is permanently deacti-
vated and “
-- -- -- -- --” will display. The value can be set to “OFF.” “TEST,” or a
range of 65 to 95% relative humidity in increments of 1%. [If bulb mode is active
(code Cd35) and “Lo” speed evaporator motors are selected (code Cd36) then set
point ranges from 60 to 95%.] When “TEST” is selected or test set point is
entered, the heat LED should illuminate, indicating that dehumidification mode is
activated. After a period of five minutes in the “TEST” mode has elapsed, the
previously selected mode is reinstated.
Cd34 Economy Mode
Economy mode is a user selectable mode of operation provided for power saving
Cd35 Bulb Mode
Bulb mode is a user selectable mode of operation that is an extension of dehu-
midification control (Cd33). If dehumidification is set to “Off,” code Cd35 will
display “Nor” and the user will be unable to change it. After a dehumidification
set point has been selected and entered for code Cd33, the user may then change
code Cd35 to “bulb.” After bulb has been selected and entered, the user may then
utilize function codes Cd36 and Cd37 to make the desired changes.
Cd36 Evaporator Speed
This code is enabled only if in the dehumidification mode (code Cd33) and bulb
mode (Cd35) has been set to “bulb”. If these conditions are not met, “alt” will be
displayed (indicating that the evaporator fans will alternate their speed) and the
display cannot be changed. If a dehumidification set point has been selected along
with bulb mode then “alt” may be selected for alternating speed, “Lo” for low
speed evaporator fan only, or “Hi” for high speed evaporator fan only. If a setting
other than “alt” has been selected and bulb mode is deactivated in any manner,
then selection reverts back to “alt.”
Defrost Termination
Temperature Setting
(Bulb Mode)
This code, as with function code Cd36, is used with bulb mode and dehumidifica-
tion. If bulb mode is active, this code allows the user to change the temperature
defrost will terminate. It allows the user to change the setting within a range of
4_C to 25.6_C in 0.1_C (0.2_F) increments. This value is changed using the UP/
DOWN ARROW keys, followed by the ENTER key when the desired value is
displayed. If bulb mode is deactivated, the DTS setting returns to the default.
Display Only Functions -- Continued
Cd38 Secondary Supply
Temperature Sensor
Code Cd38 will display the current secondary supply temperature sensor reading
for units configured for four probes. If the unit is configured with a DataCORD-
ER, Cd38 will display “
-- -- -- -- --.” If the DataCORDER suffers a failure,
(AL55) Cd38 will display the supply recorder sensor reading.
Cd39 Secondary Return
Temperature Sensor
Code Cd39 will display the current secondary return temperature sensor reading
for units configured for four probes. If the unit is configured with a DataCORD-
ER, Cd39 will display “
-- -- -- -- --.” If the DataCORDER suffers a failure,
(AL55) Cd39 will display the return recorder sensor reading.
Cd40 Container Identifica-
tion Number
Code Cd40 is configured at commissioning to read a valid container identifica-
tion number. The reading will not display alpha characters, only the numeric por-
tion of the number will display.
Cd41 Valve Override
SERVICE FUNCTION: This code is used for troubleshooting and allows manu-
al positioning of the economizer, unloader, suction modulation and oil return
valves. Refer to paragraph 6.19 for operating instructions.
Cd42 Oil Return Valve
The status of the valve is displayed (Open - Closed).