SINGER W816 User Manual

Page 23

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siiiciie^ at 5 width then allow knob to spring back to O for a short

-e'ind. Count, if necessary, to establish a rhythm.

B Set zigzag width control at the second line then move the control slowly back and

........'oan the Stop and Number 5.


''Vidth at the first line. Gradually move the control from the Stop to 5

allowing it to snap back quickly.

"D” Set zigzag width at 5, stitch length at 2. Sew a few zigzag stitches. Drop feed (F,

Fig. 24) for 3 or 4 stitches then raise it again. By operating the drop feed knob

rhythmically it is not necessary to count stitches.

hanging the needle position and varying the movement of the controls, hun-

drada af designs can be produced.

Set drop feed knob at Down position and lock zigzag width control at the number

5 position. Take 3 or 4 stitches, leave needle in fabric and pivot fabri c on needle

to make next ^isy petal. Continue until flower design is completed. Lock threads

by setting stitch width at O and sewing 3 or 4 stitches in center of design.

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