Customer responsibii.l), Transaxle cooling, Transaxle pump fluid – Sears 917.25759 User Manual
Page 16: V-belts, Lubrication, Air filter (see fig. 16), Engine
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1hij fill!
fffir. of
'-.fioui'J be kep^
Jeers lo
pii.'por ie.ielinrj
Do nol ..'iHiinipt to eiiian fen or fran.-.riir-;s«}n vvisiir,‘ er’>qrr-o is
nieninq or vvhilo live tranorriissicr' i.-, ¡-
« Inspei,;! ouolfrifj fiit'! U) he- 'jUfi; fan blocius .'uo r-iitO
• IfiSfieJ r.l.i’/iinq linSi frjr iliri, pfnS*-. cliiljil'iqc ..ind Otlsn'
niaScTMl'i li) (.itC'S/f.'iu (ji.Ciii'jn fn •si-’iii:;. noi use
cnrriprr-b.-,pr) .Sir or hirjh plOsOUlo ■•.f.'ioyo! f>‘ rAr.-r.iVi
rrooluig lino
The transaxie was sealed at the factory and fluid mainte
nance is not requiredfortlieiife of the transaxie. Should the
transaxle ever leak or recjuire -servicing, contact your near
est authorized service center/department.
Check V-belts for deterioration art-el wear alter 100 hours of
operation and replace if necessary. Th-e belts are not
adjustabJe. Replace belts if they begin to slip from wear.
'..’f'lv i iph y M i ' i r .jr-tAitp»'-! I
API service
< 1
, .RAF r , C ' j .
ity grade
i („iij'Jirig If.*' '.'ihr r i.Aiiig
■ I J| 1. !,I‘
NOTE: Althni.vto itiulfi ■/¡sC'i.ciiy < ills foWAO, 10W«J ihs )
cttpiiivo •;4a!tiMf| it, Os.iid wi-.'.bfior. liiijvi'- 'iv.slIrvicixHity uih.
Will rt'ciilt in ini.'iodSfKj rJ m.visurrtption wbori nswi ..ibnvc
,?JA ClHvck y.ju! oriqino OH sovJ omi'i.; tinnuc-nfly ¡o uvoid
';,sii:T' engine dcinnijf. fmrn Msnriinii low ;jn oil.
Ci;.ingo llm nil afler fhe fim! two iKM/rtr of 'ipomtion .and
i.'vory 130 iaaKo ihe-m.’dfei rjf a! least''inoc.;
year if Iho iraf for
la root used tor ifO iionrs in year
i,3hockther;ranko,is.e r.iil ir.-vo-[ before St,, rling iho onumoand
afier oacii Oiqtit (At ii.VJis of r,porahcwi TiJitPii mi fill oan,
dipJick socufr,4y mii.ii fimo you chock tlie ml level,
ro CHAN(M- FNGINEf OIL iSee Fig 14 ami
Determine temfXirr.tturt-; range expr.-ntorJ bofarp ni! change-.
All oil must
J Afd service Jassifinatinti -SG.
E3c sure fraf.toi is (m lovol surlaco
® Oil wtl! more' frordy when Wrorm.
Calch oil in a suitybie coniaincr.
Removo oi! fill CHp-ajipsts/.-k, 6« car to enter the ongino when dianrjing uil. * He move rim in plug. ® After oil teas drained r,e>rTi|)ielely. oil dram pluti anci tighten .sncurcly, i iofili fitgifiO VA!h >.ni rhi.,;srJi -j.f fill dip.eiirk rune Poor '■(•'iiODl Ilf i f>f T.C'H'!CA I inf'ito' on p..ti,|e- .'f at ii,s . ri’i’.nuai I J.’ic nayrjt-- f/i 1 ii|! f;|! f;e);. 'Jgebn.k U >i riioc leng li'.-vij. LF • .'-a.iif,- fjipsimk caa i;-. fightcoiod er'C;,iroly for .m,cur bo ' 7- OIL FILL C A r ’ D I P m n C K OIL DRAIN I’tUG FIG. 15 AIR FILTER (See Fig. 16) Your r'ligirm wJ| *!o| n,n pifi|>r-rly is‘.,!ho a dtoy mr Irih ; a hours of ,pt r > i".r fooary .'.yavioo [i liiof rmrindgo, ’'-'/foy lib) h-" :b CVIC'.* air t.,|r,:-a'M •' I inia, oih'';‘. UllO'I'.l C! irCil'.iOr';'., * I fr i-j'Kii.i. .jud ■' ■ ivu-r » Rmriovo WiiVi fii.Jl and rat oKwhet loan ia.auo, 10 SFDVIiT PRF GLFAf-JFR Yii-'li'' f>r,a.*':l f;rr,- r.p.tino: 'Ji t'r'M.'i igr'. * Y/.v-'.h It ;ti Immd .lab-o-si; u5 -m.i v/ator, * Sat’Jiato If in t.iiryni’'111, Wi.,!|,> -t 111 A b e n t Jofh aim ■,a|uer>;/i.;i in ni'n'i!.'''/,', oycr-V . JI 1 O GAR't Rll.tJi. * JerJv !.jp t!(i! ‘rjc. ;;f it In f/ipc-r c...irfndgp to dis- ® Reitistail }fic |ao-Ui.'Cuer iJ.'mriu-'J .and ■riled) civc-r the priper c.'Hfni'igri * neasseiriblo air J,; ¡nor, rviti'i nut. cover an.'i figtsiert k n o b ‘.leciji Jy, ' ' 1S
Sip'.V.y, iJn IKlI OVOlflil. f .'jr a|iJ:OiXiin bo C-ip.iCity ‘V>!;
rou.'Jsnrj Kcpf> o:f u! J lJ[ I ” ‘ino /.m« rlipjmk.
f.hoari Itno pii'-Jf.-uno! .liter ovecy P
.AciilCO/e ;t ,|ry m ;-i Jean r j o t f i ,
f'i'dtjK disl [)'■• n t ' ! wriah Uv; ¡.'.aper ccuinrigr,-; fir us©
pios!uiM/f'!,i a i r , a--j s t i i s will J’irr.rjfji-* t*'ia cartrldige.
nf--j,(lar;o- a dirty, ic.-rit '.r n.uri r,aitn(.lgi-,