Purge transmission, Operatiom, Mowing tips – Sears 917.25759 User Manual

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f H G l H E (See F1g„ 7)

W i V ' . i ]

f'lnitirif- ft.f Ih-- *:r vi ¡¡tiii-' -r !f ГЧ i-qiri''! h;.r, mn

liu! of fuHi, It Vifli toki< pylio ooiokihfi !пгю t<> (По'Л: hK i frum
itiC rnnk to th.j .'.‘tiOiiKj.


DeproiV” o t u t c h / b r o k f ' м > . о п ) u m j . j j f . o i h ' i f j i t i v i k o


f-iace rnotioii попкой Ir-vtir in nnottni ibj) p ; nlion


Mov'.'i oUiidimnr.l oinint: to

¡ m r . i ’ i ' i i t .

» f^uve tlirnPlr-i f,ontiol

hi f'hn-r*' ( oj ¡,i-o-

cold enfjsfii* otHit, f‘ n рпг|п ,o ''.kirt, niovn Ihroi'iln
control tu fact nociiion

» Inocrt kf,-y into ignilioi i ant i tui n koy cl ,я’,клт''.о lo ■ STAf i Г



r-.|fiof; ant! lolcocf.,- U : V no :(.o.n c.jjnior- 'dorls. i,).o

not run stoifor iC'.ntinnnirdy ir,! fnoif' U an dHf.-uii
CcnondH pnr miniJln if onoino doiO'-. n>s! atart nffnr
bovrira! adompt-i, rrovn ttut'iHic- roniroj to - nd i > ^ )
pnr-,i!!on, wait a fr-w ininuic-j and rry :i>jnirc


When onrjint;- ofail:,.. ; lo-vviv rnovo lhiic,ilin < ontoii ii-vor
t'i ijnsired ruiining cpoorj


ЛШIVV *'inqina,- 'ho >л‘;.|ПТ5 lip fni n fi W l'pritJt‘'r.'. 1К:;'')ГГ'
cngafjiiig drivf,,- or ntlnconvu'it''.

NOTE: If at a hipii n!iiiiid*'' ['tibcv.* nOuO k';0!,i u; ip ¡,оь!
lamfreratureK thnlop,- I thi- г.агЬпиРог 'n,oi niixlnn
rrwy neer,U(iboadjuo


ofji',,s ongitif* porforncancto opo

d О ADJUS1 f.lARBUHi .105 Г m It ¡i idorcico л id Ad|i ni



tfiia niuriii )|



CAUTION: Never engage or dssengigo
freewheel lever white the engine isTun-


ToC'nrairo profrrr I, ip'Ot nod fic.rfoinrjn'-'., ! i ; h-i'-iin

rrionijod dial 1htlfiCtor for !lx ‘irof (liCo iP.;. pl'ot.Oiiliri; A'ill ГС:|Тл)70> .jllV

irapped ;

Itm irr'ii'i'o 'lisiui ui whina may 1 mvn' i if/y'-i

OfOiJ during shippinn of y'’'ir tractor.

IMPORTANT; SHCTJUJ 'fOU.M t irAii;Od:;Wa,g.n.!C gi ррс
REMfom.i m,p p,i jo./p ,

¡ o i M ^ n fgitJ , 'Г

ir (if RUfM ,f ./ /' f ! И ms I All Л1 1ПЫ


Place tractor safely 'cn level у irfacn wnh ппда ¡c olt and

parking brake sek

Diaongagc ir.anoivii’iadion 1;у р1;«ап;| fipevvtit‘(;l r.fanlral

sn freowheeling pa.-iticn tSso 'Tf') THANSPORF" in
ihiia section of m.ancjiil),

Sitting in thr,'tr.'ictor sea!, stud fvitiina. Afior itie r-nijinn


t i p o ' . i t . o n

W i t h motion cantinl ir-ivoi in af.-ulml (N] position, skcv/ly
disengarje dutcli.'brakc; [.»pfJrji.

Move mutirm control lovo! io' full foiwurd p

Irnid for five in) bftcfjnris, Mf)'ve lovei to full revomo
postlion and hold for fiyn (5) ounttnrJs. Repeat this
proceduro three ¡3) times.


During this procedure there wi be no tneavement


drive wheels. The air is being removed from hydraulic



Move motion CQ'ntrol leverto neutral (N) position. Shut­
off engine and set parking brake.

Engage transmission by placing freewheel control in

driving position (See “TO TRANSPORT"


this section

of manual).

•SiliirjCj :n tlinir-ic.'xiT seat,,shirt engiise. Atiortheengirv.
la njiiiun'i, move tl’Houle C{;ntrf;i to tiklf (1T| ".peeci.

Willi nKiti'incentHd lever in nnutra! (N) poytioh, sluwl/

h i m r i f j a : i r t r j

i iti:n/[¡rn

k * ' | ) ( v j u j ,

Slowly muyo motior! cimlriii lover iufwnrrl, afti r frio

tiactfn mnvf-s appi(,JX!rn.:]trrty iivo (.a) fool, sIcAvIy move

n')!iun ronttfji if'ver to fevoi'sc pi'jsition. A.ltoi tlir.
h.iclor rnr,'vou apfiraximatciy five (S) fork rotiifn the
rnolfon ct/nitol IC'Vf?r !iiIho noutrn! i.Ni (m.sifion. Rr pmrt
lliih pioco-iiiiii,. vath the rnohnn cai'iirol lover Ihroo kii

hn:;i ‘ s .

'/our fmr.ior lu iin\v f,iiirrjort ior! now roraiy f.v r-forruo!



► г rr- chain-:, crintVii be avorf when ttio mciwoi Iv.njaap

io аг rrhfvj ‘f,t ¡cador.


St-.iv'.'or '.rsc.-iild ’ll.,' pfCifioriy iovelc-d кл I'se.r,! rncnviuii

fKTffvn).'.ncO Smk'lOl FVEL MQWFff HOUSING' n

Ihc Sotviee and Aojiistmoniu soction uf Ibio Tinnsml

Iki;- lob h'lotl oi'le cd nv.w/cr sfionFI be iramJ tur trim


DiiVf- oo ihtit

are dihdvugod urGj ihi; игг a

i|mi Ivm hkoii ciil, H..SVC the tm! .arers!«) the nglu of Ihu

rrmchiiip. i hin rvJI roiAJll iri a того oven 'iK,to1>u!ioi'a«f

d i p t r i r i g c a r v . l i n o r v - u n i l o m i с ш г т д ,

' .'Vhi’-n ir'ii.i'w!,ifj (a,t;,.!C‘ aroan. atari i.;y tuinlng la lot:

c-o Hint clijk/ingo wilt 'Ji:,ichari;|ri mvay frora viuuk::;
1г;пг;к;, rjnvovasyo, ode Aflei Г'гпо о г tvm rouiirts, 'now
n the ';i'),mkate .iirorlian making left fiond lunar uniii

i i n i n h o ' j ( S o n F - i a . И / , k

И ;.|гакс in oxlifrrno'ly ial!, ;! slvjiflri bo mmovi.'d


'.O' to

lertuec' !о:.п1 mri ¡),),miblo Pro tia/ard (гг,*п -Inert d.|,i
i.-mas, Make nroi oal reltiimoly iiicih; liio 'kjcoart 'tuth."-

• l ^ ■ n i г o d h o i n i ' t k


Du ni':t nV'V.< о|г.т-о'г whm: it !-:> wok WW grav;-, -лШ f'.liig
mawf-f ufi'j iftavi.- w'irlimiiijbl!! nliimpo, A.iiow дта-;. t'.,-

rkv b<'ik}tc> niowsiMi


Aiw'iy.j ctportrte enginr; at full Ihrottle vvhtirt mtjo/ing to

aasum iiolior rnowifta pti.-rioririiirice ¡«trj piropor

elmtrrie -'if rnalerial. F-iogiil-ifo groimrt spoecJ by solod

inri a io‘,v onmigh cjoar 1u give the mower cutima

perfcvrTVjnci.- us w(.ri! mi Iho quality nl i;iit rtesirorJ.

УУЬоп upnratinrj attrirrhmnnfs, soioct a ground арюпо

that will kiist 'ttiii ti.-rrain and give bast porffitrnanoa -k
the- iilt.iiCfiniOfil hainrj