Viconics VT7600 Installation Guide (First Release 1000 Series) User Manual

Page 14

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H) Clock/Day Settings

set Y/N

This section of the menu permits the user to set the time and day.

Time setting

Day setting

Time format setting

set? Y/N

No next

Yes down

set? Y/N

No next

Yes down

set? Y/N

No = exit
Yes down


Use ▲▼
To set value


Use ▲▼
To set value

12 hrs

Use ▲▼
To set value

J) Schedule hold

hold Y/N

This menu

This menu will only appear on stand-alone thermostat, e.i. without a BACnet / Echelon module.

This section of the menu permits the user to set a permanent schedule hold, which bypasses the internal thermostat

The permanent schedule hold function is typically used for non-scheduled events that extend for various periods of

Enabling a permanent occupied or permanent unoccupied schedule hold will cancel any active override.

The use of temporary setpoints during permanent hold is permitted. The duration of the temporary setpoint is as set
per the TOccTime parameter. Ex. 3 hours

Use ▲▼ to set value, Yes key to confirm


Resume regular scheduling

cancels the permanent hold and re-enables the regular

programming as set per internal scheduling or as per remote NSB via one of the DI’s
configured as remote NSB.

This action can also by accomplished by using the Resume menu.

Any temporary setpoint that are active will be left active for the duration of the period as set
per the TOccTime parameter.

occ hold

Hold permanent occupied

forces the thermostat into a permanent occupied mode using the

occupied setpoints. All timed scheduling functions are by-passed.

The PERMANENT OCCUPIED status will appear in the automatic status scroll. To resume
to regular scheduling, user must scroll to the Schedule Hold menu and select the Schedule
resume option..

uno hold

Hold permanent unoccupied

forces the thermostat into a permanent unoccupied mode

using the unoccupied setpoints. All timed scheduling functions are by-passed.

The PERMANENT UNOCCUPIED status will appear in the automatic status scroll. To
resume to regular scheduling, user must scroll to the Schedule Hold menu and select the
Schedule resume option..